Friday, April 1, 2011

It Ain't Over Until the Fat Lady Sings

We left Florida on Wednesday morning.  It was 74 degrees at 8:00 a.m.  By the time we got off the road, it was 42 degrees.  We headed north and decided to see if we could make it to the Georgia/Tennessee border.  I found an RV park in the Woodall's directory that was at the first exit in Tennessee.

With 8 miles to our destination, the traffic on I-75 came to a stop.  I turned on the CB to listen to the truckers to see if we could find out what was going on.  Turns out that a truck with an over-sized load had rolled-over on 24 and it was backing up traffic on 75.  It took us an hour to go those last 8 miles.  Snail's pace.  But we made it safe and sound and got a site for the night.

We took off Thursday morning at 7:15 and continued heading north.  In the middle of Tennessee, we were in rock slide zone with snow, rain, limited visibility, rough road conditions and somewhat steep grades.  Who could ask for anything more?

We had some slow going at a couple of construction areas and one accident.  11 hours on the road on Wednesday and 12 hours on Thursday.  I thought I would go to the office on Friday to at least review my messages and organize things for Monday, but I was so burnt out that I didn't go in.  It will all wait until Monday.   As for now, the fire is burning in the fireplace and the coffee just finished brewing.

As for the fat lady...