We arrived in Colorado Springs (CS) on Saturday. While driving up I-25 just south of CS, my husband sees a KOA and says "why not stay there?". I told him that we're in Colorado and we're going to stay in the trees with a mountain view, not next to the interstate.
We proceeded to the RV park that I had picked out (which shall remain nameless). The ad said "WI-FI" and while no cable stated "good TV reception with your antenna". Neither were true. The road from the office to the RV area was narrow, winding and steep. The sites were rutted but we got sort of level. Turns out we couldn't get one bar of signal off the antenna. Okay, not a problem, we brought plenty of movies with us and there is a really nice fire pit made out large rocks. As for the WI-FI, you supposedly had to go to the laundry building but I couldn't even get us connected then. We had paid in advance for 2 nights, left the next morning before the office opened and didn't care about getting a refund. This property has great potential, but needs help bad. It turned out okay for one night, but not our kind of place.
The next morning, we headed to Garden of the Gods. The free park in CS which is breathtaking.
Charles Elliott Perkins, the head of the Burlington Railroad, purchased these 240 acres in 1879. He died in 1907 before he could make the arrangements for the land to be given to the public. His heirs knew of his desires, gave the land to the city with the condition "where it shall remain free to the public, where no intoxicating liquors shall be manufactured, sold, or dispensed, where no building or structure shall be erected except those necessary to properly care for, protect, and maintain the area as a public park."
After the park, we settled in at the KOA that Doug had suggested the day before. We had a beautiful site with a creek side view, a huge concrete patio, a chimnea, patio table and 4 chairs, free WI-FI and free cable.
My nephew, Nick, came out to see us. He is stationed at Ft. Carson. We went to a great barbeque place called Rudy's. It was fantastic! Some of the workers had on shirts that said "Rudy's 'Sause' Because Taste is More Important Than Spelling". They had all different kinds of pop in 12 oz bottles stuck in ice (choose your own), cold side salads pre-packaged (choose your own), grab a bag of chips if you want them and then when you ordered the meat, they put the whole thing in a plastic tub to cart it all to your table.
We really enjoyed the food and will look for Rudy's when we are in the Southwest. It's not just the food, it was the decor and attitude, too.
Before Nick left, we took a couple of photos.
We are very proud of Nick. Hooah!
After Nick left, Doug laid down for a nap. I read, took the dogs for several walks and after it got dark, the dogs and I lit a fire in the chimnea.
As usual, Jackie was off sniffing something. Bunny tracks maybe? |
This morning before we left CS, there was a beautiful sunrise and a hot air balloon.
We left CS this morning and headed east. We have a ways to go to get home, but we're taking our time. Gotta stop and smell the coffee, right?