Friday, March 9, 2012

The Dogs Get an Afternoon at the Beach

This morning, the clouds were rolling in so we decided it would be a good day to take the dogs to the beach.  Now, at Howard Park, you can't really take the dogs to the beach, beach, but you can take them on the causeway.  It's a great place to set up the chairs, have some lunch and walk the dogs.

The closer we got to Howard Park, the more we realized that it was clearing at the coast and the clouds and rain were inland.  Beautiful blue skies with some wispy clouds.

Doug and Jackie

Mary Ann and Jesse

After we ate lunch, it was time for a walk.  Jesse and I walked up the causeway and found a woman fishing.  Look what was standing right beside her waiting for a fish.

I can't believe how close he would let me get.  And Jesse was right there on his leash.

Jesse and I had no sooner finished our walk, when the heron came over to where we were sitting.  

Right after I snapped this photo, Jackie barked and the heron flew away.  It was a great afternoon on the causeway and the dogs got so much fresh air and exercise, they are both already asleep.

I just found my cup of coffee lurking behind the laptop and it got cold.  Just like my sister Gloria said this morning "that's what they make microwaves for".

"Coffee smells like freshly ground heaven."  ~ Jessi Lane Adams

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