Thursday, March 8, 2012

No Wonder They Call This the Sunshine State

We spent a few hours on Tuesday and Wednesday at the beach.  Sunshine, blue skies, warm temperatures and sand between my toes!  My new Kindle Fire can't be read in the sun, but I brought plenty of books in print so I can still read at the beach.

Doug relaxing at the beach

Yesterday, I finished Stephen King's 11/22/63.  It was a great book.  I am now reading The Help and I can't put it down.  Kind of interesting that both books take place during the same era.  I'm enjoying reading about this period of time.  I was only 8 years old in 1963 and lived in the North.

On the way home from the beach yesterday, we stopped at a produce stand in Tarpon Springs.  I bought some tomatoes, oranges and strawberries.  The strawberries are in season right now and they are so sweet.  When I paid for my items, the man behind the counter said "have good day!".  Another man in the store who I had been chatting with says "you are now officially Greek".  I looked him and asked what he meant.  He pointed to a sign behind the counter that was a yellow smiley face.  Below the smiley face was printed "have a good day".  Someone had written in the words "if I say" in front of "have a good day" and the words "then you are officially Greek" below them.  So I guess I am officially Greek now!

I bought some baklava at the grocery and we had it with the strawberries last night.

The baklava was a bit dry but there's a Greek bakery in Tarpon Springs that we visited last year, and maybe we'll stop and get some there.  The thing I like most about baklava is the honey soaked filo dough and the store bought stuff just doesn't cut it.

Time for a fresh pot of coffee and get this day rolling.  I've only had one cup so far and need to get moving.

"Decaf? No, it's dangerous to dilute my caffeine stream."
~Author Unknown

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