Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Green Grass of Home

We got home on Thursday, 9/24, after an easy drive from Niagara Falls.  My captain asked me to drive for a bit (I failed to mention that we were only about 40 miles from Toledo) and I said "Sure!".  He promptly falls asleep and I can't hear the GPS.  Sooo...from memory, I decide to take the I-75 exit (too soon, should have taken the next one) and promptly end up in a nasty road construction area, some how in the far left lane, speed limit 45 (which of course was the speed I was driving) when the captain wakes up and says "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE?".

I calmly explained that because he was asleep, I did my best to remember which exit to take off of the toll road, obviously picked the wrong one and could he please help me get out of this lane.  I didn't dare take my eyes off the road as there were curves, 18 wheelers to my right (who kept crossing the white line into my lane) and I had my turn signal on for about a mile and couldn't get back over.  He'd say, go, you're clear now, no, wait and then a car behind me would get over and pass me on the right.  Okay, go now, no wait, a car's there now.  This happened time and time again.

Whatever happened to courtesy on the road?  When I see someone with their blinker on (whether it's a small car, a 36' motor home or an 18 wheeler), I let them over if I can safely do it.  I also never pass anyone on the right.  That's the way I was taught to drive.  Weren't you?  Aggressive driving is dangerous and what's the big hurry anyways?  These people are going to get to their destination 30 seconds earlier/later than if they let someone over?  Sheeesh!

Well, finally I get over and said my thank you to the Patron Saint of RV'ers, St. Sara  (well, technically she's the Patron Saint of Gypsies, but I figure RV'ers are Gypsies at heart, hence she is the Patron Saint of RV'ers).  I didn't swear off driving the MH,.  I mean, I have to do my share of driving (even though I think my captain prefers to do the driving himself), but I sure was glad to relinquish the driver's seat.

The dogs love travelling.  They ride well (mostly sleep) and adapt well at different campgrounds.  Towards the end of the trip, they were getting much better with the "quiet" command, particularly if I gave it before they saw the person or other dog that I knew would make them bark.  It's much harder to "quiet" them once they start barking,  That being said, they are very happy to be home.  They couldn't wait to get in the house and then they immediately wanted out in the back yard.

That's when I noticed how green the grass was.  While we were gone, we saw plenty of grass, but none of it looks like it does at home.  They say the grass is greener on the other side, but I don't think so, not literally and not figuratively. Home is sweet,  home is green,  home is where the heart is...and it's right here.

It's's not too late for a cup of coffee is it?

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