Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Looking Out for the Other Guy

(The following is an article I wrote for some local newspapers regarding a donation to a Christmas program.)

When I was a kid, my dad used to tell me that it was important to "look out for the other guy".  I can remember looking at him and wondering "What does he mean by that?”  The older I got and the more I watched him, it finally dawned on me what he was trying to tell me. 

When I moved to Saline, the first thing I did was look for other people who were "looking out for the other guy".  I didn't have to look far.  I found the local organization Saline Area Social Service (SASS).  They bring worthwhile programs like a food pantry, prescription drug assistance, back-to-school clothing, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets and a Holiday Adopt-a-Family program, to name a few, to Saline and  residents of the Saline Area School District.

SASS depends on the generosity of the community to fund these programs.  Time and time again, the citizens of Saline demonstrate just how bighearted they are.  This year, SASS received a generous donation from the American Legion of Saline and the Sons of the American Legion.

The local American Legion Post 322 was established in 1924.  Back then, they only had a few members.  Today, they have approximately 640 members who gather regularly at their post near the corner of W. Michigan Ave. and Mills Rd.  I recently met with Post Commander Louis Worley who told me "Our mission is to be of service to the community while keeping alive the traditions of those who have served our country during times of war.  Our American Legion members, our members of the Sons of the American Legion and our members of the American
Legion Auxiliary help the community in a number of ways."

"We do a summer cookout for the residents of Mill Pond Manor, we have a Halloween party for children, we participate in Christmas in Action by providing a breakfast for the volunteers, we have corn and hotdogs for all after the Community Fair Parade, we give scholarships to area seniors, we send local youth to the Boys State and Girls State programs (educational programs sponsored by the American Legion Departments across the country to help young men and women learn about government and how it works) and of course, the Saline Memorial Day parade, including a pot-luck dinner afterwards."

Sons of the American Legion member, Charlie Frey, said "Because our sauerkraut suppers were so successful this year, both the American Legion and the Sons of the American Legion have made a donation to SASS for the Holiday Adopt-A-Family program."

Left to right, Post Commander Louis Worley, Jerry Berger, Charlie Frey, John Lopez, Brett Fry, Gloria Near and Dorothy Vogel

As I sat with Lou and Charlie, I knew that Saline will always have someone "who looks out for the other guy".

1 comment:

  1. Doug and Mary Ann, Thanks for following A Camp Host Housewife's Meanderings. I hope you enjoy the journey. Good article about Saline's generosity.
