Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Day to Relax

On Wednesday, we sat still...well, not exactly sat still, but we didn't head down the road.  Doug slept in and got some much needed rest, I bought a wireless antenna booster from the RV Park (strengthened the signal and like quadrupled the speed), I almost finished my Ivy Malone book, I brushed out the dogs, Doug fished for nearly 3 hours (sad to say, skunked again) and I drank lots of coffee.  I also chatted with a man here from MN in a 21 ft travel trailer who is headed to Kalispell, MT to spend the winter!  I told him he must be a hardy soul.  He's probably early 60's and he said his kids think he nuts.  I told him we only live once and he should enjoy his adventure.

Here's a shot of a cross and statue of Jesus that is at the park.  This view is from the trail that goes down to the river.

And here are some shots at sunset Wednesday night.  

I've really enjoyed our stay here.  I hope we continue to find parks as nice as this one.

They say that petroleum and coffee had no value a few centuries ago.  They're both worth their weight in gold now.  Guess I'll pour me a cup of java and finish my book.

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