Saturday, March 16, 2013

Friday Fish Fry

Around noon on Friday the winds started to die down so we decided to head to the beach.  Not many people there and the sun felt great.  Had sand on my toes and sun on my nose.

Because the winds had died down, the kite surfers weren't there but a lot of folks were kayaking.

I finally got a photo of our site and I'm glad I took it when I did.  This place has nearly filled up again and there are no empty sites on this loop.

We went to the fish fry that they had here last night.  Everyone brings a dish to pass and the fish was caught and cooked by 6 men.  The food was fantastic!

We stayed to watch sunset with Robin and Louie from Manchester, MI.  They're just a short drive from where we live and the parents of a member of Local 252. 

Because the clouds had moved out, we were rewarded with a great sunset.

Robin and I said that we saw the saw the rare "green flash".  It has to do with bent light refraction and a particular atmospheric condition being present.  I wasn't expecting to see it so I didn't get a photo of it, but we swear we saw it.  We did sit a bit to watch for the comet but didn't see it.

We're going to pack a lunch and head to the beach for a few hours today.  Another relaxing day in the Keys.

Deja Brew: The feeling that you've had this coffee before.
~Author Unknown

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