Sunday, March 3, 2013

Who Turned Off The Heat?

We left home on Thursday morning and had rain or light snow all day.  The roads never got bad and that was a good thing.  We stayed overnight in Wytheville, VA where we had stayed before.  Even though they are open year round, there were only 2 sites occupied other than us.

Friday morning we set out for Sumter, SC to visit our sister-in-law, Amy.   We got there around 4:30, visited for a bit, had a delicious bar-b-que dinner and went to bed early.  On Saturday morning we went to visit Joyce, who is Amy's mom.  87 years young and still full of energy.  Even though her sight is failing her, she teaches piano 5 or 6 days a week.

When we left Joyce's house, we headed back to Amy's to check on the dogs, had a quick lunch at Appleby's and then made our way north to Camden, SC.  There was a battle during the American Revolutionary War that was fought there.  Who knew?  Camden is the oldest inland city and the 4th oldest city in South Carolina.  Lord Charles Cornwallis and 2,500 of his troops marched to Camden and established the main British supply post there for the Southern campaign. The Battle of Camden, the worst American defeat of the Revolution, was fought on August 16, 1780 in Camden.  

There's a 107 acre outdoor museum there with several period buildings and a reconstruction of the military fortifications.  It was very interesting.

We also browsed through some antique stores but none of us bought anything.  Back at Amy's we sat, talked and had some dinner.  It was a great visit, but much too short.

Amy and Doug

We took off this morning and drove to Starke, FL.  It was a nice, easy drive.  Cloudy and cool but no rain.  Which leads me to the title of this blog post.  Who turned off the heat?  We're in Florida and there are hard freeze warnings for tonight.  Low of 31 here.  Where's my mild temperatures?  Where's my sunshine?  Who turned off the heat? Oh, who cares?  Where's my coffee?

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