Wednesday, September 25, 2013

When It Rains, It REALLY Rains

Tuesday gave us heavy cloud cover and off and on rain.  During one of the rain breaks, Doug and I walked down to the beach area at the RV park to say "so long, see you soon" and throw some pennies in the water for loved ones gone and loved ones here.

Less than an hour after I took these photos, the rains came hard and the wind starting really blowing.  We turned to to take a good look at the radar.  Sure enough, a totally red area was headed right for us.  Okay, batten the hatches time.  The MH was rocking and we hurried outside to bring in the chairs and few miscellaneous items that were outside.  The NBC station out of Pensacola was reporting a 60 mph wind gust about 4 miles north of us.  We got another "calm before the storm" and closed up the awning.  Thunder and lightning everywhere around us, to the north, to the south, to the west and to the east.  The mother of all storms we have been in while in our MH. This was worse than the weather we had Saturday morning when there was a waterspout out in the Gulf.

As the storm moved east of us, we realized we had dodged the bullet.  I grabbed the camera and took some shots to the east where you could still see lots of lightning.

We ended up with about an inch of rain, although the total rainfall for the 7 day period was 3.32 inches.  We've had plenty of cool, breezy days in all of our trips to Florida, but I'm sure this is the most rain we've ever had there.  Even with the rain, it was a great stay.  We went to the beach, I took the dogs on lots of walks (the better to walk off all those extra calories from great deserts from Publix), I listened to music every day and I'm on book 18 in the Prey series, Phantom Prey, and will probably finish it tonight.

We headed north this morning and drove to Cornersville, TN and are staying at the Texas T RV Park.  Nice one night stop over.  Tomorrow, we will make our way to Indy to visit with my family.  I'm especially looking forward to hugging my youngest sister, Karen.  She was diagnosed with breast cancer in May, had a lumpectomy in July and then began chemo.  While I've seen her a couple of time this summer, I haven't seen her since she started chemo.  She's a tough broad (and I mean that in the nicest way) having survived lots of things in her short 55 years.  Can't wait for that seester hug.  By the way, Karen, one of those pennies was for you!

We have 2 pieces of mango key lime pie left.  Time to finish it off with a cup of coffee.

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