Tuesday, September 24, 2013

You Can't Keep a Good Gull Down

On Sunday, lots of folks left the RV park leaving wide open spaces for us.  The spots here are wide but we've had someone on both sides of us ever since we got here.  It's really nice not having anyone beside us or across the road from us.

Last Thursday, we spent the best $23.99 we have spent this whole trip.  Although honestly, other than paying for fuel, RV sites, groceries and one dinner out,  we really haven't spent anything else.  Okay, back to the best $23.99.  After listening to our awning flap in the wind for a week, we bought some tie downs.

When we were in Camping World we couldn't find any so we asked for some help.  The lady at the cash register says "sure, I know where they are" and took us to their location.  Doug picks up this set and she asked "what kind of awning do you have?  Is it an electric one?".  We told her yes.  She says "oh no, you can't use this kind with an electric awning".  Okay, we'll bite.  "Why not?"  She says "oh gee, I can't remember why, but Bill told me you can't.  Let me go get him".  So she brings Bill back and we ask "why can't you use these with an electric awning?".  Bill says "well, if you forget to take them off, it will put a strain on the motor and fry your motor".  Okay, Bill, seriously.  Who would forget to take these off before hitting the button to retract the awning?  But being the polite people that we are, we didn't say that him, we just said "We don't think that will be a problem".  They work great and were easy to put on.  No more awning flapping in the breeze.  I don't know why we waited so long to buy some.  

The weather forecast for yesterday was mostly cloudy, but the skies said different.  Those weather forecasters don't always get it right.  When Jean, Corey and I went to Italy, one morning one of the people on the tour asked why they didn't have the Weather Channel on cable TV.  The guide says "why are Americans so obsessed with someone telling them what the weather will be?  Open the window and look outside and see for yourself".  And she was right.  When you want to know, stick your head out the window!

We headed to the beach and it was beautiful!  There were some clouds, but tons of sun, too.

Some cirrus, altocumulus and the ever present cumulonimbus.

I noticed a seagull who seemed to be limping along.  After looking at him closer, it appeared that he had a broken leg.  He still went in and out of the water getting food and eventually flew off.  He did just fine.  I guess you can't keep a good gull down.

My dear Peg Leg

We had a great sunset last night.  Best one yet.

The forecast for today is a high of 84 degrees, winds east at 9 mph and scattered thunderstorms.  But who cares about the forecast.  When I look outside my window right now, it's clearing in the west and the sun is coming out.  Like I said, you can't keep a good gull down.

It's our last day here, and if we're going to say "so long until next time" to the beach, I better get the coffee brewing.

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