Sunday, September 9, 2012

Happy Anniversary

Yesterday, September 8, was our 14th wedding anniversary.  When Doug was diagnosed with cancer in May, 2009, we weren't sure we would see our anniversary that year.  Unless you have been diagnosed with cancer or are very close to someone who has, you can't know the uncertainty, anxiety and fear that a cancer patient and his/her family first go through.  You just don't know anything about it or your treatment, you don't know what to expect and it's a constant roller coaster.  It gets easier as you learn about your disease, the treatment and the expected outcome, but it's never really far from your mind.  You live your life in segments.  When's my next chemo?  When will these weeks of radiation be over?  When's my next checkup?  What's the new ache or pain about?  Is the cancer spreading?

We take trips now that we were going to take in retirement.  We're not letting life pass us by.  Yesterday, for our anniversary, we went to the beach for a couple of hours.  Even though the beaches are not totally cleaned up yet from Hurricane Isaac, it was nice to have our toes in the sand.

The license plate on the rental car we had while in Biloxi was an odd coincidence.  We were married on September 8, 1998 outside of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, county of Sevier.

I am grateful for the time we've had together.  Doug, you are my partner in crime, my companion through this journey of life.  In all the ups and downs that life has thrown at us, we have weathered the storms.  I love you with all my heart and look forward to many more days together.


  1. Hope you had a wonderful day. You both deserve it! Life is so short, try to find humor in everything, it helps.

  2. Happy Anniversary a day late, so sorry about that. Hope it was wonderful.

  3. Happy Anniversary Doug and Mary Ann. I am so happy you have been able to travel so much in the past couple years. The two of you are so special to me and my family. We met you through the Local and then continued our friendship through the clinic. I am so thankful we had the time to chat while Doug was in recovery. Love you both.
