Thursday, March 1, 2012

On the Road Again

We left home around 7:30 am yesterday morning. We drove a little over 500 miles to Wytheville, VA.  It rained all day.  It rained in Michigan, it rained in Ohio, it rained sheets of rain in West Virginia and continued to rain hard in Virginia.  We even drove thru some areas where there were tornado watches/warnings.  We finally pulled off the road around 6:00 pm.

Hot water heater won't work and the stabilizers won't work.  Set up anyway and we head down the road today to Jacksonville, FL where we will meet up with George, the RV Doctor.  He's the same man we used last year when we had a problem with our toilet.  I feel pretty confident that he will get us fixed up so we can still be at my friend's house in Jacksonville on time.

Last night before I went to bed, I was sort of feeling down about this.  Then when I woke up this morning and discovered all the people who were affected by the storms yesterday, that my sweet Davey Jones has passed away in Florida and that my favorite sportscaster in Detroit, Don Shane,  had retired, I was reminded that my life is good and my problems are small.

Now it's time for the ever present cup of coffee and to wake up my sleeping captain so we can hit the road again.

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