Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Where Do I Start?

Okay, it's been a very eventful last few days and it's way past time to catch up on the blog.  On Sunday, Erol, Doug and I headed to the R&M Antique Car Auction in Ft. Lauderdale.  Scared me because I thought my partner in crime was really, truly going to buy a car.  If he had bought one, this one would have been it:

It was a sweet GTO, but in the end, cooler heads prevailed and he decided to take a bit more time before deciding on a car.  He's had a new Camaro in mind, but time will tell.

We saw lots of great cars.

After the car auction, we went to lunch at Lester's, a very cool diner famous for its 14 oz cup of coffee.  Just my kind of place!

Erol was so kind to buy me a cup just like this one.  I will always remember this place.

After lunch, we went to the Hard Rock Cafe Casino at Hollywood.  Doug and Erol made a small donation but I left with some of their money after I hit a jackpot on a 50 cent machine.

On Monday, Doug and I had planned to go to the beach.  As many times as we have visited Susan and Erol in Delray Beach, we had never actually been to the beach.  Doug was sleeping in so I decided to find a coin laundry to get all of the wash caught up at once and then we would go to the beach in the afternoon.

I looked up two laundries (thank goodness I looked up two of them as you soon shall see).  I finally got to coin-op laundry number 1 after having driven by it several times, turning around, driving by it again, etc.  I put in 4 loads and added the liquid soap when the apparent owner walked up and said "that one is out of order".  I then noticed he did have tape over the coin insert but on the other machines that were out of order (and there were quite a few of them), he had written on the tape "out of order".  No idea why he didn't write on the tape on the one I was using.  "Okay, no problem",  I told him and proceeded to pull the items out of that machine.  He stood there and watched me and then said "Hey, you cannot wash rugs in these machines.  See the sign?"  He then pointed to a sign above the washer that in fact said "No rug washing".  I told him, "Hey, it's a practically brand new small rug and no rubber missing on the back."  He says "No, no, no.  No rugs.  It ruins the machines."  I say "Hey, it's already got detergent on it."  He says again "no rugs" so I said "Okay, I'll take the rug out".

I thought, now what the heck will I do with this rug with detergent all over it, but decide that I can deal with that later, let's just get the rest of the stuff washed.  He still hangs over my shoulder and sees me pull out a pair of jeans and says "No, no, no.  No jeans.  Jeans will ruin washer just like rugs".  I stood there speechless for a minute and then said "Okay, I tell you what.  I will just leave".  He says "No, no, no, just can't wash rugs and jeans."  I say "No way, I 'm just taking my laundry and leaving."  And that is exactly what I did.  Pulled it out of all the washers, covered with liquid detergent, put it all back in the laundry bag (of course getting liquid soap all over the bag AND all over my white t-shirt) and off I went.

I headed to coin-op laundry number 2.  After finding a parking space and lugging everything inside, I realize that Monday must be laundry day at this end of town because the place is packed with people and nearly every machine is taken.  The owner of coin op laundry number 2 comes up and asks how many machines do I need when I realize they are the big ones, tell him I could use 3 (I can double up on one load) and he shows me to 3 machines. problem.  This is my kind of place!

I get the laundry done, head back to the MH where to my pleasant surprise, the husband is not only up and out of bed, but has cleaned the inside of the MH and started clean up the exterior.  I make a couple of sandwiches, we load the chairs, the towels, the books, the sunscreen, etc, etc and we head off to the beach.

By now it's nearly 1:00 and THERE'S NO PLACE TO PARK!  I mean, we drive up and down A1-A and there's not an empty parking spot anywhere.  Turns out it's now Spring Break in this county and the beach is hopping.  Okay, no problem we will just keep driving south to the next town, to the next beach.  We get all the way to Boca Raton, pull into the public beach parking area and IT'S A ONE HOUR MAXIMUM!  Now seriously, who goes to the beach for one hour?

Considering the morning I have just had with coin-op laundry number 1, I am not in the mood for this, so off we go.  I tell the husband "Just find a park and we'll eat lunch and then head back to the MH."  Can't find any parks so we end up at Coconut Creek at the Seminole casino, play for a bit and eat our lunch in the parking lot.  We did have a nice afternoon but still haven't been to the beach in Delray.  Maybe next time.

Monday night, Susan, Erol, Doug and I went to a restaurant on the water in Boynton Beach called "The Two Georges".  We had been there last year with them and really liked it.  We liked it as much this time.

This time, we noticed that there must be lots of folks from Michigan who frequent this place.  Both Big 10 Teams are represented.

While we were waiting for our food, look who pulled in the marina area.

We ended up seeing this boat again the next day at the Jupiter Inlet.  It was a great ending to a day that didn't start out so great.

Well, that's it for today.  Tomorrow I will catch up with our day of fishing at Jupiter.  Now if you'll excuse me a minute, I'm going to have a cup of coffee.

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